Regular readers of this blog will know how much delight I get out of sites like
Awkward Family Photo and
People of Walmart.
Knowing this bordering-on obsession of these sites, an old friend of mine alerted me to this
post that tells me there is a site dedicated to 'inappropriately toned discussions of various unfortunate persons' social networking profile pictures, Slavic style'.
Oh joy.
I particularly like the way the writer describes some internet surfers as internet-trash-scouring-philistines.
Yup, you got me in one.
Anyhou, because I'm shallow and flippant, accompany me while I go take the piss out of people I don't know.
If I'm not mistaken, there is either some serious rug wallpaper going on there or this is from a scene dropped from Inception.
Don't know about you, but I suspect Vavara from Moscow has been drinking.
This really does bring new meaning to, 'taking the piss'.
Apparently Svetlana is 25.
And now, for my finale. I think we potentially we have a match made in heaven.

I think we've found Mr Slasher's perfect mate.

And let me just remind you of one thing before you judge me harshly. These shots are from these peoples' social networking pages. They've posted them, knowing that the internet is not an exclusive members-only club.
Love from your friendly internet-trash-scouring-philistine.