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Thursday, March 26, 2009

When you get home this evening, go straight to your dunny and appreciate it....

....cause there's 660 million people in India who don't have the luxury of one. (And that's a conservative estimate, a quick surf around the net has put the number up around 720 million but, hey, whose going to quibble over a mere 80 million?)

Come on India, it doesn't seem like you have a cash flow problem: you have the third largest military force in the world, you invest Herculean amounts of cash into nuclear weapons and sending a rocket to the moon but you won't build dunnies for your people?

According to this morning's paper ( I would put in the link but can't find the article online) the situation has got so bad that families who are looking to marry off their daughters (don't get me started) are only considering men suitable if their assets include a toilet.

Hey India, I hate to state the obvious, but how about sharing the love and start building some loos for your people? At least it would make you stop scrapping with Pakistan for a while.

And on a completely unrelated topic I am going to share with you a photo I found yesterday when I was looking for a photo of Donatella for yesterday's post. It haunted me so much, I thought I should share.

I would say I was sorry for subjecting you to that, but there's not much point as we all know I'd be lying.
