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Monday, August 24, 2009

Dear Scotland, a simple observation from someone who knows very little about foreign politics.

So you lock him up an Islamic extremist nut job because he was integral in bringing down a plane over your patch, killing 270 people in what is the most horrific aviation disaster your country has ever known.

That is, until such time that Mr Murderer and Wrecker of (effectively)Hundreds of People's Lives contracts terminal cancer and you go, 'Poor wee lamb, you got a sore tummy? That's no good, is it? Why don't we send you home so you can die nestled into plumped goose down pillows, surrounded by those you love.'

I mean, hello ?

I smell something large, dead and rodent-like that involves words like, 'ulterior' and 'motives.'

It does beg the question - has Gadaffi's nephew Crown Prince Sayyid Hasan ar-Rida al-Mahid as Sanussi got one of Kenny Mackaskill's (insert:close male relation) kidnapped as some sort sex slave?

I only say this because it just seems that someone is being shagged up the derriere over this fiasco, and it's most certainly not Libya.