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Monday, July 19, 2010

This is normal. It could be argued. Or not.

The Australian Office hurled me some pictures from People from Walmart and, oh my, they are sensational.

Some are just too awful to post....like this one..
Oops, whatever was I thinking? One minute I was looking at it, feeling a little bit squirmy and then, poof ! Before my eyes it appears on my blog. Just like that. Wow. The Internet must be magic.

However this next picture is to die for. I love this guy.
I would be outrageously worried if it was my father but, since it's not, I can appreciate it in all it's glory. As for Ms Blue Jumpsuit...
..I am sort of at a loss for words. Except to say that, in most cases, being pigeon toed self corrects in childhood.

And finally, since I didn't want you to peak and reach your People of Walmart threshold early, I shall stop while I'm ahead with Little Miss Bunny Handbag.
The shoes look like the designer made them while trapped in a hallucinogenic bender and, as for the doll, perhaps she couldn't afford a dog ?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. People are fantastic.

Especially when they're in photos.