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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Here's looking at you, kid.

For one reason or another, I've got a pile of movies to watch over the next little while. Some new, some old. It's really interesting re-watching movies from years ago and seeing how they compare to my memory of them.

Tonight it's Casablanca, I have seen it before but it was when I was doing a film paper at varsity. Unfortunately myself and another friend didn't attend too many of those lectures, they were possibly either very early in the morning - 8 am (unfathomable!) - which I think was the equivalent of my 5 am today, or they were on a Friday. And, back then, Friday was the first day of the weekend.

For our non-attending sins we ended up doing a 48 hour movie marathon in an effort to cram for our exam, which meant the films sort of ended up colliding into each other. The movie version of a Contiki Tour.

Last night I watched Kramer vs Kramer. The thing that really struck me about that movie was how both of the lead characters (Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep), to begin with, are both really incredibly annoying - stellar performances by both of them - but I didn't like either of their characters.

The night before last was The Godfather and, for me, that still stands up. Tomorrow night is The Godfather II which is three hours long. Pass me the cup of tea, the pop corn and the lie down.

My favourite so far has been Adaptation, the comedy drama written Charlie Kaufman, directed by Spike Jonze and starring Nicolas Cage and Meryl Streep. I had seen it when it came out, but I enjoyed it so much more than when I first watched it in 2002.

It's quite interesting how the same actors keep popping up, but it doesn't mean you necessarily still like them. The night after I watched Nicolas Cage in Adaptation I watched him in Leaving Las Vegas, he was really good, but I couldn't stand the film. I put it down to being Nicolas Caged-out but possibly it was just too black for Pollyanna over here.

Anyhou, I won't bang on with an endless list of what I've watched and what I've yet to watch 'cause A) that would be boring and B) I've got a date with Casablanca.

*Goes searching for popcorn*