My friend Janet and I met when we worked at the
Mary Engelbreit store in Chicago together. We had the most fun...whenever something new came into the store, we would play a little game called,
"Do we NEED this?!?" Well, whether it was a cherry Christmas ornament in July, a scottie garden statue or a set of kitchen canisters, with a forty percent discount and a friend to talk us into it, we found that we usually
did need it, whatever it was!
These cookies are for Janet's birthday. Even though we haven't laid eyes on each other in years, I still think of her every time I see a scottie dog or something with cherries on it. One more thing about Janet...she is the queen of gift giving! I don't know where she shops, but she always finds the absolute perfect gift and it is always wrapped in the cutest way!

This plaid cookie design is from a Martha Stewart cookie book. I decided on white scotties instead of black because who wants black icing teeth on their birthday?!?
Janet...thanks for being such a great friend! I miss seeing your smiling face every day!