Okay - fessing up - I didn't take that shot, and it didn't happen when I was there - I think Mrs Sunshine took it, but it's worthy of an airing here.
And finally, my foot.
I seemed to have developed a thing about taking shots of people's feet this summer, something I find vaguely weird about myself. But in my defence Your Honour,I have to say little children's feet are terminally cute.
Okay I will stop now.
Heading over to the beach after Christmas I was in a car that was to pick up avocados. We found a roadside stall that we thought was the best value.
Bag of ten avocadoes the size of my head? NZ$4 (1.7 Euro, US$2.37).
Big bag of tomatoes that tasted like tomatoes and not sacks of tomato flavoured water? NZ$1.
Satisfaction at value for money? Priceless.