Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Unconditional love - Tilda with puppy
What's YOUR indispensable baking tool?...Works For Me Wednesday
I thought about this question for quite some time. First, I thought this:
Then, my silicone spatulas...
But when it comes down to it, I would never make cookies without this:
Parchment Paper! I have gone to the grocery store at 10pm sent my husband to the grocery store at 10pm on a parchment run in a cookie making emergency.
So, go ahead and tell me...what's your can't-live-without baking tool?
Be sure to click over to We Are THAT Family for more WFMW (backwards) tips and come back later this week for a yummy giveaway!!! :) YAY!
Pretty Packages
As I said yesterday, Louise Fili's website is full of beautiful work, and what follows are some of my favorite pieces from their packaging portfolio.
Thank goodness politicians have families, they makes them so much more interesting.
Monday, March 30, 2009
I fell especially hard for this logo for Rusk Renovations, Inc.; the vintage-feeling ruler and typography completely did me in.
I also am head over heels for what looks to have been an amazing issue of the Italian magazine, Un Sedicesimo. The issue was devoted to the Italian and French script typefaces from Louise Fili and Steven Heller's collections, and it looks like it would provide endless inspiration.
Finally, I adore this image from Louise Fili's sneak peek on Design*Sponge. The vintage tin is gorgeous, and I love that it is used to display some of the matchbooks and business cards from restaurants for which they have designed logos.
Stay tuned for more from this accomplished firm, as tomorrow I will be sharing some of my favorite packaging work from their portfolio.
And it wasn't even Revenge of My Little Pony
And fifteen years after it was made I reckon it remains one of the best pieces of tele on the planet. Especially if you've worked in a newsroom.
If you want to watch the Parts 2 and 3, they're on Youtube along with more Frontline.
I can see there's going to be a lot of time wasted in my day. I shall blame it on my neices.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Bitten By The Bug challenge - bunny from Doodlecharms cartridge
The early bird slams the tequilla worm.
Drunk people are so much more offensive when you're sober and it's daylight.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Hey Chickie - Happy Spring! Tilda with chicks
Friday, March 27, 2009
There's nought queer as folk.
I know this because they ended up here.
It's almost as scary as someone in Australia Googling 'wombat sphincter', but not quite.
People are weird.
Basket Case
I wasn't sure about the "grass" when I was decorating them, but now that they are finished, I'm glad I added it.
To make the basket cookies:
{isn't this cookie "sketch" cool?!?}
- Using a #2 tip, outline the bow in pale yellow (Spectrum Lemon Yellow).
- With a #3 tip, outline the basket in purple (AmeriColor Violet).
- Still using the #3 tip, make the basket handles, pulsing the icing bag as you run it along the cookie to make bumps.
- With a #2 tip, outline the eggs...one each in pink (AmeriColor Soft Pink), blue (Spectrum Sky Blue), and yellow.
- Thin all of the icing with water until it is the consistency of syrup. Cover with a damp dishtowel.
- Before using each color, run a rubber spatula through the icing to break any large bubbles. Transfer to a squeeze bottle.
- Fill in the basket in purple; use a toothpick to guide the icing to the edges.
- Fill in the bow and one egg in yellow.
- Fill in the blue and pink eggs.
- Let dry at least one hour.
- With a #2 tip, add the detailing to the basket.
- With a #2 tip, add the detailing to the bow.
- Using a #1 tip, pipe Easter grass along the edge of the basket in light green (AmeriColor Leaf Green).
Looking for more Easter cookie ideas? Check out these posts:
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Easter Chick Flicks . . .
Easter chick cookie flicks, that is!
I bought this little chick cookie cutter last year and have been waiting months to try it!
They are really simple to make, just outline, fill and coat with sanding sugar the next day. I added a little eye after sanding.
I made up several of these and some Easter baskets for the winner of the We Are THAT Family cookie giveaway....New Momma. I think any "new momma" needs a little hit of sugar, don't you?!?I'll have more on the Easter basket cookies in a day or two. In the meantime, enjoy the chick flicks...and maybe one of these other Easter-inspired posts:
When you get home this evening, go straight to your dunny and appreciate it....
I would say I was sorry for subjecting you to that, but there's not much point as we all know I'd be lying.
Let the Rain Fall Down
I can imagine watching the waves crash furiously upon the beach from this window seat, a spot that seems made for daydreaming.
The rest of the Blackett House and Estate doesn't look too shabby either...
Also, while I wouldn't actually want to make use of the dogs for hunting, I am thrilled to see that the house comes equipped with Hunt Kennels-- you know of my love for dogs.
3 Clovers Thursday Challenge
It's Thursday and time for another challenge over at Three Clovers Designs! This week, Kerry's challenge is to create a birthday card using purple and glitter to celebrate her birthday on April 1st. Happy early birthday Kerry!! This was fun cause I just never use the color purple. Don't know why cause I really like the softer shades of it, in fact I really love lavender.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
One of the beauties of having a small brain is that you remain blissfully ignorant to how ridiculous your theories actually are.
Doesn't that look like a colour you might want an item of clothing in?
I'm sorry, but only its mother could love that.
And humans are the same when it comes to suntans. I am talking white people here, generally a gentle dust of a tan enhances a person's look. How many times have you heard people talking about someone back from time away, looking good because they have a tan? A little bit of vitamin D is good for us.Exhibit C.
But if, like vegetables, you take it a bridge too far and tan too much, the body bites back, seeks revenge and just makes you look plain old fugly.
Exhibit D.
It's like her body is shrieking, 'Hey Donatella, stop smearing me with the ugly paint oh and, could I have something to eat?'
Or maybe Donatella knows something we don't and just doesn't want anyone to eat her.
Anyway, that's my theory for the week, next I shall start work on Relativity, or has somebody already done that?