I thought about this question for quite some time. First, I thought this:
Then, my silicone spatulas...
But when it comes down to it, I would never make cookies without this:
Parchment Paper! I have gone to the grocery store at 10pm sent my husband to the grocery store at 10pm on a parchment run in a cookie making emergency.
So, go ahead and tell me...what's your can't-live-without baking tool?
Be sure to click over to We Are THAT Family for more WFMW (backwards) tips and come back later this week for a yummy giveaway!!! :) YAY!
{isn't this cookie "sketch" cool?!?}
Looking for more Easter cookie ideas? Check out these posts:
Easter chick cookie flicks, that is!
I bought this little chick cookie cutter last year and have been waiting months to try it!
They are really simple to make, just outline, fill and coat with sanding sugar the next day. I added a little eye after sanding.
I made up several of these and some Easter baskets for the winner of the We Are THAT Family cookie giveaway....New Momma. I think any "new momma" needs a little hit of sugar, don't you?!?I'll have more on the Easter basket cookies in a day or two. In the meantime, enjoy the chick flicks...and maybe one of these other Easter-inspired posts:
I would say I was sorry for subjecting you to that, but there's not much point as we all know I'd be lying.
I'm sorry, but only its mother could love that.
And humans are the same when it comes to suntans. I am talking white people here, generally a gentle dust of a tan enhances a person's look. How many times have you heard people talking about someone back from time away, looking good because they have a tan? A little bit of vitamin D is good for us.It's like her body is shrieking, 'Hey Donatella, stop smearing me with the ugly paint oh and, could I have something to eat?'
Or maybe Donatella knows something we don't and just doesn't want anyone to eat her.
Anyway, that's my theory for the week, next I shall start work on Relativity, or has somebody already done that?