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Monday, August 31, 2009

If I was casting for one of Cinderella's ugly sisters, Dr Frederic Brandt would be on the shortlist.

I was watching a story on non surgical face lifts on 20/20 on TV3 last night. They were interviewing the Dr Frederic Brandt, a guy who is apparently responsible for some of the maintenance on Madonna.

Now this photo does him all sorts of favours.
He has got to be the owner of one of the scariest faces on the planet. And it doesn't move. He admitted that he can't frown or look angry. It's as if his forehead is in a Valium induced coma.

But what struck me is, if your face guru guy looked like that, wouldn't it concern you that he doesn't have a great handle on the concept of beauty and that you're more likely to come out looking like someone who's off to an Adams family reunion rather than someone who has just put a couple of years on ice?

It's almost like asking these ladies...

..for some nutrition tips.

Or this guy...

..for a weights program.