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Friday, October 23, 2009

I've just noticed something.

There are some people in this world who are very ordered and organised. They plan, they book stuff, they know that on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday they are doing this, this and this. And then on Thursdays they will do that. And that will happen because of children or the way they're made.

I, on the other hand, am not one of those people. I am spur of the moment. I make holiday plans at the last moment. I am a useless planner. I know I will generally do my GST the day before it has to be paid. I will get as close to a deadline as possible before I deliver a project.

Basically, unless I have to be organised, I will just plan as I go and do things when I please and I as I feel like it.

As far as something like blogging goes, I just do it when the mood takes me, or when I have an idea. I couldn't tell you how often I do it, when is the most regular time time of day I do it. I just do it, whenever.

I wouldn't have a clue how often I do it, either. I just do it.

So you can imagine it was with horror this morning that I noticed how many blog posts I have done each month of this year. (Take a look to the *looks at hands to see which hand has got the mole on it*right).

Out of nine months, there have been SEVEN months where I've blogged exactly twenty-two times.

Holy shit Batman! My subconscious is organised.

Now, if only I could channel that organisation to my conscious state, I think I would be a hell of a lot more productive.