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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Holiday Conversation #5. Just because I can.

I was talking to Seven Year Old niece after we had just been swimming. Since Five Year Old's lips had started to turn blue from spending far too long in the water, she had been hurled from pool into the bath to warm up.

'Shall we take Monty (the lab) for a walk after we're dry?' Says I.

'Yeah!' Says Seven Year Old , full of enthusiasm.

'Well, lets go wait until Five Year Old is out of the bath and see if she wants to come too.'

'Ohhhhh nooooooooooooooooooooooo!'

'Why not?

'Cause she's so annoying.'

'But that's younger sisters for you. They're supposed to be annoying some of the time. I bet Mummy says I'm annoying, sometimes.'

Seven Year Old sighs wisely, 'Yes, she does.'