Blogging has gone right out the window for the last week or so. There's a couple of reasons ( on top of the reasons I've already banged on about), the biggest being that old chestnut time, which seems to have been kidnapped by all manner of activities. Things like work and my third move of the year. (Out of my house, into furnished accommodation, out of furnished accommodation into permanent accommodation and being reunited with all my stuff- does that count as three?)It was always going to be like this, and this will be my last move for some considerable time, unless I'm being carried out of here in a coffin.
But if I see another box filled with possessions I own, I shall either go and throw myself under the nearest bus or I will start hurling it out the window like a lolly scramble yelling, 'Get your free stuff here!' (Which I imagine would be about half an hour before the men in white coats arrived who would then ask me to pack a suitcase).
So if you don't mind, I'll just continue with that lie down I talked about a week ago and be back in a minute.