I've now lived in Auckland for four months. I used to say to myself that you weren't allowed to put a stereotype on a country/city/people until you'd lived there for three months.

I trashed this theory three months after I formed it when I moved to Tokyo and realised that the stereotypes I'd held before I'd moved there were completely correct.
Having now lived in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch each for longer than three months I now think I'm allowed to make broad sweeping generalisations about about each city.

If you were to consider them as aunts, Christchurch would be the rich aunt. She's the successful lawyer married to the successful lawyer. Great to go and visit, always guaranteed beautiful food, lots of treats, a million thread count sheet. But (just quietly) you're always a little bit pleased to leave.

Wellington is the funky, urban, slightly bohemian, brainy aunt. She's very cool, has a killer dress sense, is well read and interested in lots of things. Sometimes her conversations go a little bit over your head, she can get a little bit intense but you're always guaranteed a good argument over dinner, should you choose to pick one.
Auckland is the beautiful, good times aunt. She's a gym nut, is permanently tanned, drives a two seater and will proudly tell you about her latest botox. She's a hoot to spend time with, but if you spend too much time in her company she can tend to to wear you out.
The conclusions I can draw from these observations ? Possibly that I'm rubbish at broad sweeping generalistions.
And that I'd like to spend time with all of the aunts.