If you spend a bit of time here, you'll know I waste a lot of time over at Awkward Family Photos, however I've now discovered a whole new world. I'd like to welcome you to the spooky world that is Awkward Family Pet Photos.
I just want to say to that puppy, 'Just because your owners (and I want to emphasize, owners) really want to be reindeer, doesn't mean you have to share their dream. Oh and, ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!'
Sorry about posting that one.The horror. And, yes, your arse does look big in that.
The woman wants to know who the dog's hairdresser is.
And finally one that I just don't get. I mean, the first thing that springs to mind is, 'First you must catch the cat...'