...my next-door neighbor and friend, Kristen from We are THAT Family. Do you know she has a book
Kristen had her first book signing
{I brought cookies.}
Now, Kristen doesn't need a photoshop makeover, but her neighbor (me) does.
Have you heard of the I Heart Faces:
Faces to Love, Blogger Makeover Project?
I Heart Faces is a photography website with weekly photo challenges for all levels of photographers. Co-Founders, Amy & Angie make sure you'll find great photo editing tutorials, camera tutorials, photography tips and giveaways each week.
Well, at the Blissdom conference, I knew Angie and Amy, the founders of I Heart Faces, were up to something, but they wouldn't spill the beans.Here's the deal... Amy & Angie took photos of bloggers to use as their profile image! The are calling it Faces to Love - Blogger Makeover Project. To make it even more fun... they want to give one of you and one of their readers a photo makeover as well!
My picture was taken by the fabulous Angie (if you live in Ohio, seriously look into Angie taking your family photos...she's amazing!):
{Look ma, no wrinkles!}
One lucky Bake at 350 reader will get themselves made over photoshop style! Amy & Angie will work their magic on a photo you provide them. They will then send you several images to use on your blog, Facebook profile or Twitter Avatar, or whatever. Hmm....can I take this to the DMV?
To be entered for more chances to win:
• Visit I Heart Faces and leave a comment on their site.
• For even more chances to win, visit the other two bloggers' sites (Cheryl & Rachel) featured on I Heart Faces today as well...and leave a comment on their blogs.
Winner chosen and notified. Congrats to The Perfect Trio!
This contest ends on Wed. April. 13th at 10 pm. Good luck!