It was an incredibly inspiring handful of days and I got to know some really interesting people.
From a writer from Ugly Betty, to an actor from the British soap Holby City, to a couple of Kiwis who have just made their first feature film (and if I could put ten dollars on anyone's career skyrocketing, it would be on those two) right through to Neil, a writer from Noo Yoirck who had his name embroidered on his sweatshirt and tucked his napkin into the top of his shirt while he ate his boiger (he really did talk like that) for lunch.
However the best line I heard was from Mark, the Australian writer. I met him on the last day and asked if he was staying at the hotel where most people were staying.
'Nah mate, I've been staying down the road at the Travel Lodge. But I've loved it. Last night I left here pretty late, went back to my hotel and popped into the bar. I ended up having a drink with a whole lot of midget wrestlers.'
Only in America. (I think).