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Monday, December 22, 2008

....and a baby bogan in a lowered car.

Okay kids, that's it from me, I'm outta here for a while.

Packing my bags, climbing on a plane and going to hang with my family, eat delicious food, attempt to drink my body weight in wine, laugh till my belly hurts, and then will head to an East Coast beach to drink up summer.

I hope you all have great Christmases and New Years and I will be back to torture you with beach photos soon. (Sorry all you people who are trapped in winter, but I'm nasty like that).

Oh and the title of this post? It had been my intention to do my own version of 'The Twelve Days of Christmas', I got as far as
'On the first day of Christ-mas the whitetrashneighbours gave to me
A baby bo-gan in a lowered car.'

But then I got bored and stopped .

If I wasn't such an underachiever I would makeself finish it off, but we all know I'm far too lazy for that type of carry on.


P.S If you're really bored, you could always try this. It is the reason our office sounded like a farmyard yesterday. I am delighted to inform you that I am currently top of the table with a score 0.1882 and hold the status of rocketing rabbit.

My, did I crow about that.