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Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So there I was sitting at work this afternoon when I got a text from my cousin, 'They're talking about your blog on National Radio.'

I texted back, (taking eloquence to a new height, as only I can do) 'WHAT?!!!'

She came back with 'YES!'

Then a text from another friend, 'Painting cupboard doors and I have just heard your blog being reviewed on Nat Programme! Fan-bloody-tastic!'

It was at that point I began to believe my cousin was hearing correctly, and that she wasn't trapped in a new-baby-I'm-so-tired-I've-become-delusional world as I initially suspected, and investigated further.

It was Ele Ludemann, uber blogger Homepaddock, saying lovely things about this blog, (and you fab commenters)....to the whole bloody country!

Thank you Ele, you're very kind, I've had a smile on my dial and a wee spring in my step all afternoon.