And a pink pleated skirt.
With man shoes and socks, to complete the outfit.
And, I didn't get it.
But then, I just put it down to the fact that maybe he was off to an elderly cross dressing tea party, or something. Basically, I was sure there was a reason he was dressed like he was and when he got to his tea party he was going to be regaling the punters with lines such as, 'Well you SHOULD HAVE SEEN the looks I got on my way here!'
That was until yesterday when I was sitting at my desk and out the window I saw the same guy biking along. Different skirt, but same bike, beard and possibly shoes.
And then I really really didn't get it. It wasn't like he was cross dressing, he was just in a skirt. Not a kilt, just a skirt and fusty old man-clothes.
I was really perplexed, I mean, why would you? I didn't understand it at all.
This really bugged me until it occurred to me that I don't understand why people like tamarillos, either.

When I realised that, the man in the skirt finally went away, and normal programming resumed in my brain.