She lives in New South Wales and was planning an early morning Easter Sunday bike ride from her house to her parent's-in-laws to get there for 9 a.m. It is a decent enough schlep at around forty kilometres and, as she wanted to avoid the main highway, she thought she'd consult Google Maps to see which route the God of Google saw as the most efficient way of getting there.
Now, I suspect somebody may have been napping on the job cause here's the thing.
Google Maps managed to turn her 40 kilometre trip into a route that covered 52, 795 kilometres, a few oceans, three different countries and would have had her arriving at her parent's in-laws sometime around the middle of August!
I am attaching a selection of the directions below (I am quite fond of direction #41. 'Kayak the Pacific Ocean, 5404 km.' As she so aptly put it, 'Where in my kayak was I supposed to put my car?')