I was over at Harry Hutton's blog
Chase Me Ladies, I am the Calvary reading his latest post,which was on the death of Ted Kennedy.
This is what he had to say:
'Like everyone else in my generation, I have no idea where I was when I heard the news that Edward Kennedy had died. I can't even remember what town I was in.'
His comments always make for an entertaining read, so I was meandering merrily through them reading about
everybody's take on it (from 'Will he be given a state funeral, or be bundled into the trunk of a car and thrown off a bridge?' to 'The world is certainly a darker place with his passing. He did, after all, have such a bright red face'), when I stumbled over an out-loud-snort one. It was from a blogger by the name of
Ulaca who said, 'I don't think he ever came to terms with the fact that no one wanted to assassinate him.'
Hah! Hadn't ever thought of it like that, it does put a nice spin on things.
Does this mean I've just spoken ill of the dead......again? Oh well, I'm picking that Ted having too much fun partying with other dead Kennedys to really give a toss what's being said about him on earth. I bet he's being referred to by his dead relies as 'the one that got away.'