Behold some pictures below for you.
On the left we have a lizard who looks likes he's hired some fangs to go to a vampire party and on the right we have a lizard lying beside a centipede.
Now here's something you may not know, apparently lizards aren't rocket scientists. (You won't be finding any Mr G Geckos on a NASA staff emailing list, anytime soon.)
Anyway, if you weren't aware of this theory, I've got a story to support it.
On the left is a lizard with what staff at the Reptile Park where he lives believed to be were legs of a cricket. They thought that Mr Lizard had just polished off a mighty feed. However, closer inspection revealed the legs belonged to that a centipede. (Isn't that like me attempting to eat a very hungry shark?)Understandably, staff thought it too risky to remove the centipede, so they decided they'd leave him alone to digest it in peace.
Later they came back to discover that the lizard harboured bulimic tendencies, as he had barfed his centipede right back up - all in one piece.
I do like what the of the reptile park owner, Ivan Orich, had to say on the matter. He reckoned that a combination of poor eyesight and even poorer intelligence might explain the gecko trying to eat something longer than itself.
"I have the impression they're not the sharpest knives in the drawer. When you go in to feed them, they got for your foot rather than the foot your are bringing to them."
As the title of the article suggests, it does bring new meaning to 'long lunch.'