So here I am wishing you all a Merry Christmas in my CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS!

I would love to say that I could blame my mother for them, however I am reasonably confident I would have whined and whined and whined about getting them and she would have relented only so she wasn't forced into drowning me in the nearest puddle.
'Have you met Kate, our youngest? Sweet wee thing, yet such a pain in the arse and such terrible taste in fashion.We have no idea where that came from, the rest of the family can dress themselves quite adequately.'
Obviously the nurse's headscarf is my own addition, as well. I think I've mastered the Florence- Nightingale-groupie/off-to-join-a-cult look quite well.
And there's my cat I'm strangling. I've talked of her before, Chippies Murphy Hokey-Pokey Flicky-Tail Patches Tiger Jane MyLastName. Which is - obviously - why she ran away. My sister used to call her Shitty Cat.
And there's my brother Sunshine in the background, and even though you can't really see him, I know that look so well. It's the my-sister-is-such-a-twat-I-would-like-to-punch-her-in-the-throat look.
So there you have it. Merry Christmas from me, my now-dead cat and my very red slippers. Tis not my last post before I slope off, but just thought it was time to hurl some Christmas spirit around.
P.S Tis a glorious 27 degrees here, Summer is HERE! I love it so, even more when I get a text from a friend who is - right now - stuck at Heathrow in a snow storm .
I know who'd I rather be right now.