For more Christmases than he would care to remember my brother Sunshine's Christmas morning has started due to being woken by two hungry cats in his bedroom.
Lord knows how they got there, but the first words out of his mouth tended to be along the lines of 'I'm going to kill Kate'.
While I don't think putting as much distance between himself and me on Christmas morning is the sole reason him and the other
Sunshines are currently on a plane hurtling their way to Whistler, I'm sure if he was writing a Pros and Cons list for making the trip, 'Not been woken up by my sister' might have come under the Pros list after 'Skiing is fun' but before 'No chance of getting a parking ticket if I'm not in the country for three weeks'.
Anyway, I'm also out of here. First off to catch up with the rest of my family who aren't holidaying in Whistler or
Puerto Rico and then I'm off to see a gaggle of old friends who've returned from various countries around the world. Good times.
I hope everybody has fantastic a Christmas and New Year. I will possibly post between now and the time I'm back posting regularly, but I'm aware of being a bad reality show promo -promising much after the break, but delivering
feck all.
Thank you for visiting, thank you to all the lovely commenting visitors - I love your comments.
I was going to leave you with a shot a friend of mine sent me, it looked sixties, there was a dude with slicked back hair holding up a can of something looking at the camera. A
sixtyish year old lady (dressed in a snappy orange trouser suit) was standing in front of the drinks bar about to pour herself a drink and in the background sitting on the sofa there was an older, well dressed, lady leaning forward gently throwing up into the rubbish bin.
Unfortunately I couldn't copy the picture, and a Google image search of 'Auntie Nora having a chunder' was absolutely no help at all.
But then, maybe that's a good thing.
Merry Christmas !