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Thursday, March 25, 2010

How to appear a fool...

…by katejanelastname

  1. Go into café, purchase before-work coffee.
  2. Read paper, while Nicecoffeeman man makes coffee.
  3. Stranger comes up and says ‘Are you from Christchurch?’
  4. Look blankly.
  5. Neglect to say that you've recently moved.
  6. Nod, continue to stare blankly.
  7. Brain scans hard drive.
  8. Hard drive search results reveal, ‘No matches found to your query’.
  9. Stranger tells you he’s met you before, with Amanda.
  10. Think, ‘Who the fuck is Amanda?’
  11. Look blankly.
  12. Notice man sweating a little in the heat.
  13. Hard drive kicks into semi face recognition, reveals result, ‘You may recognise this person’.
  14. Face recognition complete. There is a match. Delivers result. ‘You know this man far too well to have not recognised him for this long, you complete moron.’
  15. Now feel a fool.
  16. Attempt to regain ground, but thoroughly fail by over compensating and talking far too much.
  17. Give up, embrace and accept the fact you are a fool.
  18. And a goat.
  19. The end.