Now this dress is a floral summer number, made out of the type material that my brother Sunshine would remark, 'Been flogging Great Aunt Beryl's cushions again, then?' It's retro design, made in France and possibly makes me look like I'm off to church in the fifties. And I absolutely love it, one of those dresses that puts a wee spring in my step.
Anyway, I thanked the woman for her compliment and continued on my walk to work.
But here's the thing.
She was wearing boots that were a little shinier and a little longer than these.

But it was kind of like the obese guy saying, 'Can I have four burgers, six scoops of chips and a diet coke?' Bad analogy, I know - but you get the picture ( I am poorly attempting to draw).
Regardless, I 've never had a compliment from a hooker before. I'm taking that and running with it.