My son & I spent most of yesterday baking. Here's part 1 of our shipment:
Gingerbread Biscotti...
The recipe is actually on the King Arthur website. It seems daunting with 2 baking times, but really takes less time than rolling dough and decorating cookies. :)
My kitchen...house, actually...smelled like Christmas while these were baking. Absolute heaven!
Of course, taste testing is essential! ;) These were perfect with a cup of chai tea! See those vanilla beans in there? I used vanilla bean paste
in place of the vanilla extract.
I've posted this recipe before for 1-2-3-4 Peanut Butter Cookies. They are delicious and from the same cookbook.
Stay tuned for part 2 of our shipment. Godspeed to our soldier...and we are thankful to all our service men and women and their families for their enormous sacrifice!

Stay tuned for part 2 of our shipment. Godspeed to our soldier...and we are thankful to all our service men and women and their families for their enormous sacrifice!