I always dreamed of the building receiving a new life, a new owner, someone who would see the beauty I saw and lovingly restore the place into something even grander than its industrial beginnings. A place that would come to be filled with happiness and laughter and would shine brightly in reflection of that love.

I'm still head over heels with the idea of converted spaces and find myself dreaming the same dreams when I pass a lovely and lonely building that seems forgotten by time.

While there are plenty of old beauties yet to be reclaimed, sadly, I believe, including the one I fell in love with so long ago, I'm glad that more and more seem to have found new lives as residential, commercial, and office buildings.

I have been craving industrial pieces and spaces recently, and this amazing warehouse at Airspace certainly helps feed that! The exposed brick walls, the old wood plank floors, the concrete and metal all send my heart aflutter.

And I keep hoping that one day, when I'm visiting the place where I grew up, I will discover that my loved building has finally become loved by someone else as well.